エントリー期間 Entry Period


フリンジ部門 公募要項



公募期間:2024年12月16日(月)~2025年3月31日(月) [専⽤応募フォーム申込のみ受付]

・対象国:国内外 問わず


・公演回数:1~2回 (2回の場合は1日に1回ずつ行うことになります)


・採択予定数 : 4~5団体程度


・予定会場 : ご申請いただいた団体/個人にメールにてお知らせします。









(1) ろう者/難聴者が主催あるいはろう者/難聴者と聴者が共催、 ろう者/難聴者と聴者で構成されている団体のいずれかであ​ること。

(2)公演期間中の宿泊費・交通費 / 企画制作費・出演費・スタッフ費を負担できること。



(4) 舞台運営業務に関する技術設計書/企画書を出し、技術スタッフに舞台に必要な要望を明確に伝えられる力を持つ方。



(1) 企画性(独創性、東京国際ろう芸術祭とのマッチング等)

(2) ⾃主運営体制(企画の実現性、安全管理体制)等

(3) ろう芸術 / 地域を含むろう社会へのアプローチ(影響力・波及力等)





(1)上演場所 (客席30ー100名を想定)とタイムテーブルを東京国際ろう芸術祭事務局が用意・コーディネートします。



(3) 情報保障

基本的に参加者がご準備・ご負担ください。日本語・日本手話の情報保障は必須です。国際手話 ・英語は任意ですが推奨し​ます。ご要望の場合は通訳者/翻訳者をご紹介することも可能です。



(4) 東京国際ろう芸術祭 公式サイトの掲載やSNSでの紹介等の広報協⼒を⾏います。


 ・公募期間:2024年12月16日(月)~2025年3月31日(月) [専⽤応募フォーム申込のみ受付]

 ・採択結果通知 :2024年4⽉25⽇(⾦)までにメールにて応募者全員に通知


・結果通知後の流れ :オンラインを中⼼に各団体と個別調整を⾏います。


 ・ 各団体の個別広報は原則参加者で⾏ってください。

 ・ 東京国際ろう芸術祭事務局においても広報を⾏いますので、素材提供にご協⼒ください。



 ・ 人数/内容によっては、1つの会場を複数の団体/個人でシェアする場合があります。

 ・ 本番期間中の早朝、深夜の作業・リハーサルは⾏えません。

 ・ ⼩屋⼊り及び撤収時には、コーディネーターが帯同します。撤収時には原状復帰を原則とします。 

 ・ 車両でお越しの方はコインパーキングをご利用いいただくことになります。自己負担となりますためご留意ください。搬​入・搬出のための車両スペースはございます。


 ・ 使⽤する舞台備品、照明⾳響等の各種機材は会場にある備品にて行いますが、足りない部分は原則持参してください。機材​リストが知りたい方はお問い合わせください。



 ● ゲネプロ及び本番での東京国際ろう芸術祭関係者の観劇、記録写真の撮影をお願いする場合があります。

 ● 応募や上演に関してのご質問は下記にあるボタンよりお問い合わせください。 


Fringe Program

Entry Requirements

The Tokyo International Deaf Arts Festival is now accepting submissions to the Fringe ​Program.


  • Entry Period: Monday, December 16th, 2024 – Monday, March 31st, 2025 [Only applications sent using the official ​entry form will be accepted]
  • Eligibility: Open to both domestic and international applicants
  • Duration: 90 minutes (including setup and teardown)
  • Number of Performances: 1 to 2 (in the case of two, each performance will be held on separate days)
  • Entry Fee: Free
  • Number of Selections: Approximately 4 to 5 Groups
  • Notice of Acceptance: April 2025 (Tentative)
  • Planned Venue: The organizer/group will be notified of the location via email.

【Entry Category】


A performance by the organizer/group during the Tokyo International Deaf Arts Festival. Theater, dance, music, visual ​arts, circus, entertainment show, reading—all performance genres are welcome.


A talk, workshop or lecture on sign language and/or Deaf/HoH topics by the organizer/group during the Tokyo ​International Deaf Arts Festival.

【Entry Requirements】

Organizers and groups must fulfill all of the following requirements:

  1. The organizer/group is Deaf/HoH-led or a joint collaboration between Deaf/HoH and hearing individuals.
  2. Be responsible for accommodation and travel expenses, production costs, performance fees, and staff costs.*Projects funded through various grants are also accepted. Please inform us of your project’s status in the entry ​form.
  3. Maintain open communication regarding planning, management, and performances with the administration office.
  4. Submit technical design documents, plan outlines related to stage operations, and clearly communicate necessary ​requirements to the technical staff.

【Acceptance Criteria】

The Tokyo International Deaf Arts Festival administration office will review entries based on the following criteria:

  1. Creativity - originality, alignment with the Tokyo International Deaf Arts Festival, etc.
  2. Self-Management - feasibility of the project, safety management, etc.
  3. Approach to Deaf arts/Deaf society, including the community - impact, reach, etc.


・Ticket sales are not applicable to entries. There will be no revenue distribution.

However, collecting donations is allowed. Each organizer/group will hold responsibility when conducting these ​activities.


  1. The performance venue (maximum seating capacity of 30 to 100 people) and timetable will be coordinated by the ​International Deaf Arts Festival administration office.
  2. Stage direction, sound, lighting, and day-of operations will be provided by the Tokyo International Deaf Arts ​Festival.
  3. Selected organizers/groups are required to submit their plans in advance.
  4. Tokyo International Deaf Arts Festival will provide support for promoting, including introductions and features on ​the official website and various social media.
  5. Accessibility

Tokyo International Deaf Arts Festival administration office will provide accessibility for greetings and after-talks (5 ​to 10-minute durations) in Japanese Sign Language, spoken Japanese, International Sign, and spoken English.

*Participants are generally responsible for the preparation and costs. Spoken Japanese and Japanese Sign Language ​accessibility is required.

Accessibility in the forms of International Sign and spoken English interpreting for conferences and other stage talks ​are optional, but recommended. If requested, we are able to connect organizers/groups with interpreters.

For non-verbal performances, providing accessibility support can be omitted. If you are unsure, please contact the ​administration office in advance.

【Application Process】

  • Entry Period: Monday, December 16th, 2024 – Monday, March 31st, 2025 [Only applications sent using the official entry ​form will be accepted]
  • Notification of Selection Results: All applicants will be contacted via email by Friday, April 25th, 2025.
  • Post-Notification Process: Coordination will be conducted with each organizer/group, predominantly online.

Regarding Publicity】

  • Each organizer/group is responsible for their own publicity.
  • Tokyo International Deaf Arts Festival administration office will also handle publicity, so please provide any necessary ​material to the office.

Regarding the Venue】

  • Information regarding the venue to be used will be provided via email to the selected organizers/groups.
  • Depending on the number of people and content of the projects, multiple organizers/groups may share the same venue.
  • Early morning and late-night preparations/rehearsals during the festival will not be possible.
  • A coordinator will be present during setup and teardown. As a general rule, the venue should be restored to its original ​condition.
  • For those traveling by car, please use hourly parking facilities. Please be aware that the organizer/group will be ​responsible for the cost. Parking space is available for loading and unloading.

Regarding Stage Equipment】

  • Stage equipment, lighting, sound, and other technical equipment will be provided by the venue. However, ​organizers/groups will need to bring any extra equipment, if necessary. Please contact us if you require the equipment list.
  • The seating and reception area for performances will be organized by the Tokyo International Deaf Arts Festival ​administration office. Depending on the project, organizers/groups may be asked to coordinate with reception. 

Other Information】

  • During rehearsals and performances, Tokyo International Deaf Arts Festival staff may be in the audience and request ​permission to take photos for documentation purposes.
  • For any questions regarding the application process and performances, please contact us by clicking the button below.
  • We would like organizers/groups to cooperate with media coverage as much as possible.